At the beginning of November, Gestion Bellemare and Bellemare Abrasifs & Minéraux received their “Ici on recycle + Performance” certification, which is the 2nd level of a possible 4. This is awarded to companies that demonstrate their efforts to maximize the residual materials management (RMM).
What is residual materials management?
Whether in our daily lives or at work, we have residual materials, products that we no longer need and that we throw away. RMM corresponds to the means and actions that a company puts in place to reduce the amount of waste that goes into the garbage can. One of the best methods is the 3R-R (reduce at source, reuse, recycling and reclaim).
This certification demonstrates that the company is serious about reducing its environmental footprint and is taking the necessary steps to do so.
To obtain the certificate, we had to complete a lengthy questionnaire as well as an Excel file on RMM. We also provided all the requested proofs of our efforts to reduce our ecological footprint.
Throughout the application process for this certification, we were delighted to see how Groupe Bellemare and Bellemare Abrasives & Minerals take daily action to contribute to the well-being of the environment.
*Proudly certified business of the Ici on recycle + Program